Sunday 24 July 2016

Tugas-tugas penting Chief Officer (C/O)

01. Chief officer memiliki tanggung dan tanggung jawab dalam bernavigasi

02. Bertanggung jawab dalam hal operasional cargo termasuk bongkar, muat dan perencanaan pemuatan

03. Bertanggung jawab dalam perawatan peralatan bongkar muat yang berada diatas kapal

04. Perhitungan stabilitas kapal

05. Bertanggung jawab dalam hal perawatan lambung kapal dan akomodasi

06. Semua peralatan keselamatan dan peralatan pemadaman semua berada di bawah tanggung jawab chief officer

07. Bertanggung jawab dalam pembuatan jadwal kerja kru deck departemen

08. Bertanggung jawab dalam pengisian dan pembongkaran ballast

09. Memastikan bahwa semua kru memahami tentang peraturan-peraturan terbaru yang tercantum dalam SOLAS, STCW, MARPOL dll

10. Bertanggung jawab dalam penerapan ISPS Code

11. Pelatihan kepada semua kru diatas kapal tentang peraturan nasioal dan internasional sesuai dengan kebijakan perusahaan

12. Melakukan pengecekan terhadap persedian spare part bagian deck, permintaan barang, pencatatan lembur, laporan bulanan dan pembuatan dokumen penting lainnya sesuai dengan manajemen perusahaan

13. Dia juga bertindak sebagai Ship Security Officer (SSO), yang bertanggung jawab dalam keamanan kapal selama berlayar dan berada di pelabuhan

14. Dia bertanggung secara keseluruhan terhadap keamanan semua deck kru

15. Dia bertanggung jawab terhadap kesejahteraan awak kapal

Important Responsibility for Chief Officer

One of the important positions in the deck department is the chief officer or propagator one, is a leader in the deck department and responsible directly to the master and the second person after the captain and the first person in charge if the captain was not on board.

01. Chief officer has the responsibility and liability in navigation

02. Responsible for the cargo operations, including loading, unloading and loading planning

03. Responsible for the care of loading and unloading equipment that was on board

04. Calculation of the stability of the ship

05. Responsible for the care of the hull and accommodation

06. All safety equipment and equipment outages are all under the responsibility of the chief officer

07. Responsible for the manufacture of deck department crew work schedules

08. Responsible for filling and demolition ballast

09. Ensure that all the crew know about the latest regulations contained in SOLAS, STCW, MARPOL, MLC 2006 etc

10. Responsible for the implementation of the ISPS Code

11. Training for all crew on board and the national and international regulatory compliance with company policy

12. To check the supply of spare parts of the deck, the demand for goods, recording overtime, monthly statements and other important documents manufacture in accordance with the company's management

13. He also acted as a Ship Security Officer (SSO), which is responsible for the security of the ship during the voyage and was in port

14. He is responsible overall for the security of all deck crew He is responsible for the welfare of the crew

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